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Fun Fitness Facts about WATER!

*The human body is 50-65% water.

*Men contain more water than women.

*Drinking a FULL glass of water before meals has been proven to increase weight loss.

*Warm water makes you feel full.

* Ice water boosts your metabolism and immune system.

*Cold water stimulates your brain to release mood-boosting endorphins.

*Dehydration is one of the leading causes headaches, cramps, lack of energy, constipation, & high blood pressure.

* If you're thirsty, you're probably already mildly dehydrated. Don't WAIT to be thirsty...drink it throughout the day.

* Divide your weight (in pounds) in half = that's AT LEAST how many fluid ounces of water you should drink a day. Example: if you weigh 150 pounds 150/2 = 75 fluid oz. (about 4.5 average bottles of water)

Hope you've enjoyed these fun fitness facts about water! Now...drink up!



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