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Maximizing your goal setting

2014 is HERE! Many of us took inventory of 2013 and are looking forward to making some changes in the New Year. Did you know that 45% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions and the NUMBER 1 resolution is to LOSE WEIGHT?! Unfortunately, only about 8% of Americans actually accomplish their resolution. Don't let the odds be against you!

So, what is a good way to ensure that you will accomplish your resolution? Make your plan SIMPLE and EASY to follow and you'll be MORE likely to achieve your goals! Here are a few simple steps you can follow to make reaching your goal easier in 2014 and beyond...

*Write down what you want to accomplish.

*Brainstorm EVERYTHING for each goal. Be thorough...even the SMALLEST detail should be documented.

*Rank each goal in order of their importance to you. For it more important for you to stop drinking than it is to redecorate your home?

*Rank each goal in the order in which you plan to accomplish them. This can be tricky, so prioritize wisely.

*Put a date on it! Create 3 sets of dates - EARLY dates (it would be AMAZING if it was accomplished by this date), ULTIMATE dates (more of a realistic date), and LATE (but acceptable) dates (this should be your DEAD END your goal MUST be accomplished by this date!) This will provide some structure for you, but also allow your some extra time in case LIFE gets in the way. It will also help you to eliminate guilt in case you DON'T accomplish your goals EXACTLY on time. Instead of one set in stone date, you have 3 which allows you a little room to breath while still kicking ass and getting those goals accomplished!

*One thing at a time! Start with your first goal and KEEP GOING!

If you implement this plan this year, you will have a better chance of making it into that 8% instead of the 92%! Take some time for yourself, sit down, and plan what 2014 is going to mean for you.

My Fitness Vixen Challenge Groups are the PERFECT way for you to stick to your resolutions! You receive an at-home fitness program of your choice, meal replacement shakes with your choice of flavor, and my online Facebook support group!

What goals will you accomplish in 2014?




©  2017 The Fitness Vixen Challenge. all rights reserved.

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