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Clean Eating Means Eating Calories!

I am going to assume that since you are here you want a healthy, lean body. In order to achieve that you must EAT! Knowing that I eat 5-6 times per day you have probably realized that I eat a lot of food! For some reason our society thinks that you need to restrict calories. You NEED to eat. You NEED calories. Don't obsess over the number of calories - pay attention to the QUALITY of the food! It's might lose weight initially by restricting your calories but you will wreak havoc on your metabolism and that is a LOOOONG road to recovery!

It is okay that you don't know everything about nutrition (neither do I!) - unfortunately it is not a widely taught subject. I've mentioned in some of my previous posts that I do not count calories on a regular basis. There are a few reasons for this and they are that counting everything can become very time consuming and obsessive plus I tend to eat the same things so there really isn't a need to count the same foods each day! Lol!

So...what is a Calorie exactly you ask?

CALORIE (according to Merriam-Webster)

Cal*o*rie (noun): A unit of heat used to indicate the amount of energy that foods will produce in the human body.

Most clean diets consist of a balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats at each meal. If you eat the correct proportions of each you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle and you will probably notice you have a ton of energy and I guarantee your cravings will go away!

If you are new to the clean eating lifestyle and would like some additional help, please don't hesitate to follow me on Facebook: I am constantly running free Challenges to help people with their health and fitness. I look forward to connecting with you.



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