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Be happy in your own skin!

Today's post comes out of necessity for me to get something off my chest. There is so much talk in the media about what it means to be skinny and what it means to be fat. Weight is the topic of discussion on almost every TV channel, website, and/or magazine these days. We are seeing "fat shaming" and now, "skinny shaming" left and right - wherever we turn. So, when should we be happy with the body we have? Once we are happy, do we stop trying to make it better?

The truth of the matter is, you have to be happy in the skin you are in at the moment to make any improvements in the future. I've had 2 children and my weight has fluctuated up and down since then. I'm in a good place as far as my body goes (at least I think so), but I'm not at the smallest size I used to be. Guess what - I don't care! I'm happy with the effort that I have been putting in, the way I have been eating, and can honestly say that I am improving and getting stronger each and every day - physically and mentally (THANK YOU 21 Day Fix!). I fit in most of my clothes and I have found the balance that I need to ensure I am taking care of my family while also taking care of myself. If you have children, you know what I mean! The time it takes to take care of a family is insane!

So...does that mean that I won't work hard to get myself to the next level? Absolutely not! Life is a constant state of change and why not change for the better? I am a real woman, a real mother, a real wife and a real friend. My life HAS to reflect that. Your life should reflect the person you ARE and the person you WANT TO BE - not reflect what you do or don't see in the mirror. That will come. Please understand that you are CONSTANTLY evolving. Love the process. Love each and every step.



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