6 Easy Tips To Get More Steps In Every Day!
We've all heard the "rule" that you should aim to get 10,000 steps in every day to boost your physcial activity and also aid in weight loss. I'm not exactly sure where that number came from, but it's been around for years so let's just go with it!
Since I want everyone to get in as many steps as possible each day I've put together my 6 easy top tips so that maybe a few of them will hit home with you and you can start racking up your own steps!
6 Easy Tips to Get More Steps In Every Day:
1.) Wear a tracker like the Garmin vívofit, the FitBit, or a BodyBugg - it's really eye-opening to see how many steps you AREN'T taking on some days! Plus, when you are really close to that next big number it motivates you to get up and moving!
2.) I know every one tries to show off just how strong they are when it comes to taking the groceries in...but do NOT get all the groceries in one trip! Take more steps by unloading just a few at a time.
3.) Take the stairs instead of the elevator
4.) Keep the things you need often out of arms reach so you actually have to stand up and walk to get them (i.e. your phone, keys, glasses, remote etc.)
5.) Park at the end of the parking lot
and last but not least...my personal favorite!
6.) Get yourself a pair of super cute (and even sparkly!) athletic shoes so you can LOOK good while getting those steps in! Because let's face it...when we LOOK good, we FEEL good!
How do you earn your steps? What are some tips you would add to this list to help others?