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How to find BALANCE in your quest to live a Fit & Healthy Lifestyle


It's very easy to get caught up in the "Health & Fitness Lifestyle" and become scared to deviate in any way from your set workout dates, food prep days, and other activities. While it IS important to maintain consistency with your workouts and with your food prep, part of living a healthy lifestyle is BALANCE. Balance itself is interpreted many different ways but I want you to understand that one unhealthy meal or one missed workout isn't going to reverse all of your hard work. Even if you slip and have an entire bad weekend or week...that's okay! Just start again with your food prep and get your workouts back on track. If you have a tendency to binge eat, consider not restricting yourself so much. Some people do well with a "treat meal" once a week others do it once a month. You have to figure out what works best for you and your body. I like to call this the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule basically means that 80% of the time you are eating healthy and 20% of the time is "your choice".

Keep in mind that other people (especially close friends and family members) may not understand why you are spending time working out or cooking healthy food and that is okay. Just lead by example and don't push anything on anyone (unless they ask for your help). Know your goals and what it takes to get there but also carve time out to spend with your friends and family. You CAN go to parties and out to eat! Your entire healthy lifestyle isn't going to come crashing down because you had a few pieces of pizza! I do want to point out that you will have to develop "thick skin" and if you want to eat the chicken with sweet potato from the restaurant instead of the pizza - that is YOUR decision and you should not have to explain yourself. On the other hand, if you want the pizza and it fits into your 20% then have a piece! Creating balance with your workouts is just as important as balancing your healthy eating habits. You do NOT need to spend 2 hours working out each day and/or workout twice a day. You must realize that there are things outside of the gym that are much more important. Long sessions and "no days off" will only lead to over-training and a high probability of injuring yourself. The "no excuse" attitude is great but you have to know when to take a break!

Tips to Help YOU Find Balance:

  • Get away from the mindset that you have to count calories all the time - live a little! Try the 80/20 rule.

  • Know that plateaus and speed bumps are going to happen. Just keep pushing and you will get through them.

  • Find a workout that YOU like and incorporate different styles of training. Become well rounded by practicing yoga, weight training, cardio training, etc. Think outside of the box and mix up your routine. Not a runner? Go for a run today! Not into home workouts? Ditch the gym and make a date for a home workout with your bestie or partner. Don't be afraid to use the great outdoors as your playground either - go for a hike or bike ride!

  • Find something outside of health and fitness that you enjoy. Maybe it's reading, volunteering, traveling, etc. Try to focus some energy on other areas of your life that bring you happiness.

The most important thing to realize is that this is life. And "life" will get in the way. You will have bad days and you will have good days. You will have days where you literally cannot make time to workout - that is OKAY! A healthy lifestyle should be one that incorporates healthy eating, fitness, and BALANCE. You must have all 3 to truly achieve this lifestyle.



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