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Boost Your Confidence with Positive Thinking!


It is so important that we end our body image issues NOW. All of this negative self talk does absolutely NO GOOD. I realized last year that the scale does also does no good so I RARELY step on it these days and instead focus on the way I look in the mirror, the way my clothes fit, the way I look in progress pictures, and of course my measurements! I KNOW I can do the same with this negative self talk and VOW to get rid of it NOW. We would NEVER talk to someone else the way we talk to ourselves so why do we still do it?'s the plan!

I'm going to start with these 5 things and I would love for you to do these with me!

  • Say at least one nice thing about yourself each morning. Bonus points for actually TALKING to yourself in the mirror. It doesn't even have to do with looks. It can be something positive from work, your personal life, or just that you made healthy choices the day before.

  • Avoid judging or critiquing others. When we judge others it really does say a lot about ourselves - more than it says about the other person. We are in NO place to judge anyone.

  • Avoid social media accounts that are based solely on appearance. Honestly these are easy to spot by how many "selfies" they take. These accounts MIGHT give you a little motivation at first but over time it will drain you.

  • Do not talk negatively about yourself. Definitely avoid doing so in front of your spouse and/or children.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others. You are YOU. This is the only life and body you have. Live your own life.

I KNOW that we can do this together. Let's get started!

P.S. I would love for you to join my Challenge on Facebook! Connect with me there!



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