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Healthy Swaps


Here is a list of some HEALTHY SWAPS that you can make in order to stay healthier and lose weight! * If you are craving something sweet or you are craving some fruit! What I like to do is freeze berries or grapes to pop instead of Skittles!

* Instead of loading your food up with sodium filled salt that is going to bloat you, try some fresh or ground herbs in your favorite recipes.

* Avocados are an AMAZING substitute for butter! There is not a ton of flavor, but makes things (especially shakes/smoothies!) SUPER creamy! You can even spread some avocado on your toast in the morning for some added healthy fats!

> Side note: If you ARE going to use butter, use REAL butter (not margarine!) My very favorite brand is KerryGold and can be purchased at most any supermarket. <

* PUT DOWN THE COW'S MILK! Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk is NOT healthy for humans. It is filled with lactose and is considered dairy and it is not easily digested by the human body. Most of the time if someone is experiencing allergies or has a lot of mucus when they cough, it is due to the cow's milk and dairy that they are consuming. Almond Milk, Rice Milk, Hemp Milk, and Coconut Milk are all fantastic alternatives that taste JUST as good, and even BETTER in my opinion!

I hope you find these ideas helpful! Comment below with some of your favorite healthy swaps! XO,


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