Overnight Pumpkin Oats!
This recipe will take you all of 5 minutes to put together and throw into the crockpot! You will have a ready made breakfast for 4...
Clean Pumpkin Pancakes!
Are you looking for a special treat for Thanksgiving morning? Maybe you just CAN'T wait for some yummy food until lunch or dinner time....
Clean Food To Pack For The Airport!
It might be difficult to eat clean while traveling...but it certainly ISN'T impossible! You can easily bring your own food with you on...
Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Cookies
Wow! These are just DELICIOUS! ****WARNING**** Just because these are considered to be a "clean" eat and not full of processed junk, you...
My Top 15 uses for Coconut Oil
I hear it all the time, "Oh, just use coconut oil for that!" However, can it really do what everyone says it can do? While I'm not...
Chicken Tortilla Casserole
I have to be honest - I don't usually make recipes from magazines or the internet anymore. I typically dream up my own, only glancing at...